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By The People's Government of Sanmenxia Updated: 2019-09-09 23:09

 [The economic and social development]

In 2018, confronted with the complicated economic environment and daunting transitions, the whole city, from the leadership to the masses, sticks to Mr. Xi Jinping’s new-age socialist thoughts with Chinese characteristics as a guide, thoroughly implements various decisions of all levels, including the central, provincial, and municipal party committee and government, adheres to the general tone of making progresses while ensuring stability, centers on improving the quality and effectiveness of the economic development, and takes promoting the structural reform of the supply front at the main line in order to accelerate the transitions, to create “five-color Sanmenxia”, and to put forward the construction of “Three Places and Five Centers”; by doing so the city economy presents a situation featured with stability with progresses and quality, the people’s livelihood is improved sustainably, all social causes see remarkable progresses.

I. General Introduction

Based on the preliminary calculation, the GDP of the whole city is 152.812 billion Yuan, increasing 8.0 percent compared with that of 2017; the added value of the primary industry is 56.684 billion Yuan, rising by 4.1 percent; the added value of the secondary industry is 84.219 billion Yuan, rising by 8.5 percent; the added value of the tertiary industry is 56.684 billion Yuan, rising by 8.0 percent. The proportions of the three kinds of industries are respectively 7.8:55.1:37.1; the share of the added value of the tertiary industry in the GDP is 1.9 percentage points higher than that of 2017; the per capita GDP of the whole city is 67,294 Yuan, 7.8 percent higher than that of 2017.

The residents’ consumption price for the whole year rises 1.9 percent compared with that of 2017,1.2 percentage points higher than that of the same period last year. In terms of urban and rural areas, the growth in the city is 2.7 percent while that of the rural area is 1.3 percent. The prices of the eight categories of the consumption and service presents a rising trend – the medical care rises 4.1 percent, the clothing 2.7 percent, the residence 2.1 percent, food, tobacco and alcohol 1.9 percent, and other supplies and service 1.5 percent, the education, culture and entertainment 1.2 percent, the transportation and communication 1.1 percent, and the articles of daily use and service 0.5 percent.

A total of 47,4000 new jobs were created in the urban area for the whole year; 14,6000 unemployed people were offered jobs, including 4,045 people experiencing employment difficulties. Till the end of the year the registered unemployment rate is 2.77 percent in the urban area, within the provincial rate of 4.5 percent.

Till the end of the year there are 7 industry clusters of provincial level with 1,770 enterprises hiring 166,700 people, and there are 7 service clusters – a business center and 6 special business districts – with 944 enterprises hiring 25,100 people.

II. Agriculture

The total grain yield for the whole year is 719,800 ton, rising by 10.6 percent compared with that of 2017; the summer grain output is 353,000 ton, rising by 3.1 percent and the autumn grain output is 366,800 ton, rising by 18.8 percent; the output of the flue-cured tobacco is 37,200 ton, decreasing 1.3 percent; cotton 1,100 ton, increasing 45.0 percent; oilseed crops 27,500 ton, increasing 2.6 percent; pork, beef, mutton and poultry 104,200 ton, increasing 10.8 percent; eggs 42,700 ton, increasing 14.0 percent; milk 31,700 ton, decreasing 30.3 percent.

The special agriculture develops steadily. The output value of the eight special products reaches 17.510 billion Yuan including fruits, animals, mushrooms, vegetables, and tobacco, accounting for 84.4 percent of the total output values of the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery; the yield value of the fruits reaches 7,295 million Yuan, 2.5 percent higher than that of 2017 calculated at comparable prices (similarly hereinafter); the output value of the animal husbandry reaches 3,046 million Yuan, 6.0 percent higher; the output value of the edible fungi reaches 2,909 million Yuan, 5.4 percent lower; the output value of the vegetables reaches 2,255 million Yuan, 4.0 percent higher; and the output value of the tobacco reaches 1,001 million Yuan, 1.9 percent higher.

III. Industry and Construction

All the industrial added value increases 8 percent for the whole year compared with that of 2017. The added value of the industrial enterprises above the state designated scale rises by 8.0 percent with the growth rate fall by 1.1 percentage points compared with that of 2017. The added value of the light industry increases 10.9 percent; that of the heavy industry increases 7.8 percent; the proportions of the two kinds of industries are respectively 6.4:93.6. the sales rate of the above-mentioned enterprises is 97.2 percent.

In the whole city among the 35 industries of the industry enterprises above the state designated scale, the first 6 ones in terms of their respective added value ranking and their growth rate are respectively: compared with the year of 2017, the nonferrous metal smelting and pressing rises by 14.4 percent; the coal mining 8.9 percent; the nonferrous metal mining 11.4 percent; the electricity and heat production and supply 5.6 percent; the non-metal mineral production 4.5 percent; the chemicals and related raw material manufacturing 20.6 percent.

The new and high-tech and high-growth industries are in the lead in growth. The new and high-tech industries all over the city for the whole year rise by 18.7 percent compared with that of 2017, of which the growth rate is 10.7 percentage points higher than that of all the industries above the state designated scale; besides they have driven the increase of the latter by 5.6 percent, with the added value accounting for 32.5 percent in the latter. The high-growth industries (electronics and information, equipment manufacturing, vehicles and parts, food, modern home, clothing and apparel, etc.) rises by 9.1 percent, of which the growth rate is 1.1 percentage points higher than that of the industries above the state designated scale; besides they have driven the increase of the latter by 1.4 percent, with the added value accounting for 10.7 percent in the latter.

Among the primary industrial products, those of which the output grows for the whole year account for 56 percent. Those products are as follows: auto parts which increase 44.5 percent, electrolytic copper which increases 36.8 percent, sulphuric acid which increases 25.4 percent, silver which increases 19.1 percent, cement which increases 17.5 percent, refitted automobiles increasing 15.6 percent, electric energy production capacity which increases 15.3 percent, liquor which increases 14.7 percent, Refined methanol which increases 14.3 percent, li-ion batteries which increase 14.2 percent, electrolytic aluminum which increases 12.8 percent, lead which increases 4.8 percent, drinks which increase 0.8 percent. The products of which the output decreases include abrasive tools which decrease 99.4 percent, abrasive materials which decrease 7.3 percent, raw coal which decreases 6.8 percent, refractories which decrease 6.2 percent, measuring instruments which decrease 3.2 percent, alumina which decreases 2.9 percent, aluminum materials which decrease 2.2 percent, gold which decreases 1.7 percent.

The main business income from the industries above state designated scale all over the city for the whole year rises by 5.7 percent and their total profits rise by 27.7 percent. The industries of which the main business income is more than 10 billion and their grow rates are as follows: the main business income of the nonferrous metal smelting and pressing industry decreases 1.0 percent; that of the coal mining increases 8.2 percent; that of the nonferrous metal mining increases 13.7 percent; that of the non-metal mineral production industry increases 14.9 percent; that of the electricity and heat production and supply industry increases 8.7 percent.

The main business income of the industrial enterprises above the state designated scale in the industry clusters all over the city for the whole year increases 4.3 percent compared with that of 2017 and their total profits rise by 28.8 percent.

The construction industries all over the city for the whole year finish their added value 110.5 billion Yuan, 13.2 percent higher than that of 2017.

Iv. Fixed Asset Investment

The annual fixed asset investment of the city (excluding rural households, the same below) has increased by 10.5% over 2017, among which the private investment increased by 18.2%. The investment in primary industry has increased by 49.4%, while investment in secondary industry decreased by 9.5%, and investment in tertiary industry increased by 17.6%. In the whole year, the fixed asset investment in the industrial cluster area has decreased by 0.4% compared with that in 2017.

The investment in real estate development in the whole city has increased by 7.0% over that in 2017, among which the residential investment increased by 10.4%. Commercial housing construction covered an area of 12.4437 million square meters, an increase of 24.3%. Among them, the construction area of residential buildings has increased by 28.1% to 8,975,100 square meters. The completed area of commercial housing was 1,014,700 square meters, up 57.9%. Among them, the completed residential area was 865,500 square meters, an increase of 68.6%. The area of commercial housing sales was 2.6679 million square meters, up 2.1%; Sales of commercial housing reached 11.112 billion yuan, up 15.5%.

V. Domestic trade

The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 53.374 billion yuan, up 10.7% over 2017. The retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 44.315 billion yuan, up 10.7%; The retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas reached 9.06 billion yuan, up 10.6%. By sectors, the wholesale and retail sales reached 2.314 billion yuan, up 11.1%; Retail sales reached 43.999 billion yuan, up 10.6%; Retail sales of accommodation reached 511 million yuan, up 9.5%; The retail sales of the catering industry reached 6.55 billion yuan, up 11.6%.

The city's wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering industries achieved a total sales of 129.445 billion yuan in a year , up 12.7% over 2017. Of this amount, wholesale sales reached 51.821 billion yuan, up 11.5%; Retail sales reached 65.909 billion yuan, up 13.4%; The turnover of the accommodation industry reached 2.426 billion yuan, up 12.1%; The catering industry's turnover reached 9.29 billion yuan, up 14.1 percent.

VI. Foreign Trade

The total value of imports and exports was 11.151 billion yuan, 38.9% higher than that of 2017. Of this, the total value of exports reached 2.66 billion yuan, up 19.4%; The total import value reached 8.492 billion yuan, up 46.4%.

5 new contracts for foreign capital utilization were signed throughout the year. The contractual utilization of foreign capital was us $401 million, an increase of 125.6 percent over 2017. Actual utilized foreign investment was 1.114 billion dollars, up 3.3%.

VII. Transportation,Post & Telecommunications and Tourism

The total traffic volume of road freight was 69.48 million tons, up 6.0% over 2017. The number of highway passengers reached 22.77 million, down 0.7%. Road freight traffic totaled 18.633 billion tons/km, up 10.8%; Road passenger turnover reached 1.195 billion person-kilometers, up 0.6%.

The city's postal and telecommunications business totaled 8.789 billion yuan, an increase of 133.7 percent over 2017. Of this, postal services totaled 605 million yuan, up 20.6 percent; Total telecommunications services totaled 8.185 billion yuan, up 151.1%. There were 129,000 fixed-line telephone subscribers at the end of the year, 20,000 fewer than in 2017; 2.273 million mobile phone users, 62,000 more than in 2017; 98.5 mobile phones per 100 people, 2.6 more than in 2017.

At the end of the year, there were 46 outbound travel agencies, domestic travel agencies and branches, 16 star-rated hotels and 27 scenic spots. Among them, there are 19 A-level scenic spots and 14 4A or plus scenic spots. It received 43.19 million tourists from home and abroad, including 112,300 inbound tourists and 43.0776 domestic tourists. The annual tourism revenue was 37.19 billion yuan.

VIII. Finance

The total fiscal revenue of the city was 17.412 billion yuan, an increase of 20.6% over 2017. Revenue from general public budgets reached 12.02 billion yuan, up 11.1%. Of this, tax revenue was 8.461 billion yuan, up 11.2%. Among the main types of taxes, domestic value-added tax has increased by 32.4 percent, with individual income tax increased by 17 percent, resource tax increased by 54.9 percent, and deed tax decreased by 23.1 percent.

The city's general public budget expenditures totaled 24.392 billion yuan, an increase of 14.8% over 2017. Governments at all levels have actively adjusted and optimized the structure of government spending, vigorously reduced general expenditures, and substantially increased input in improving people's lives. The city spent 17.93 billion yuan on improving people's livelihood, up 13.7%, which includes an increase of 13.4 percent for agriculture, forestry and water services, 26.4 percent for urban and rural community services, 45.6 percent for energy conservation and environmental protection, 31 percent for science and technology, 46.4 percent for low-income housing, and 26.9 percent for medical care and family planning.

The balance of various deposits in financial institutions reached 127.663 billion yuan at the end of the year, , which was 3.579 billion yuan higher than that at the beginning of the year. Of this amount, household deposits stood at $84.849 billion, an increase of $5.857 billion over the beginning of the year. The balance of loans reached 80.835 billion yuan, 3.718 billion yuan more than that at the beginning of the year. Of this amount, the balance of short-term loans was 36.188 billion yuan, 1.001 billion yuan less than that at the beginning of the year. The balance of medium - and long-term loans reached 39.378 billion yuan, 2.711 billion yuan more than that at the beginning of the year.

People's Livelihood
Science & Technology