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Sanmenxia Continues to Advance the Healthy Sanmenxia Initiative

By Sanmenxia Daily Updated: 2024-06-07 09:21

The reporter has learned from relevant departments that since the implementation of the Healthy China Initiative, Sanmenxia has adopted multiple measures and focused on implementation, striving to achieve the phased goals of each special action. The construction of a Healthy Sanmenxia has made solid progress and achieved significant results.

Since the launch of the Healthy Sanmenxia Initiative in 2020, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to it. Adhering to the concept of “Big Health and Big Wellness”, our city has established a high-level promotion committee and successively issued guiding documents such as the Healthy Sanmenxia Initiative Implementation Plan and Healthy Sanmenxia Initiative (2020-2030). The promotion mechanism has been further improved, special actions have been deepened, and comprehensive healthcare has been provided for people at all stages of life, further enhancing the overall health level of all citizens. 

In 2022, the average life expectancy in Sanmenxia reached 78.41 years, the health literacy level among residents increased to 29.76%, the payment ratio of the medical insurance fund for urban and rural residents reached 70.6%, the percentage of days with good air quality reached 67.1% in the city, the infant mortality rate was 1.93‰, and the mortality rate for children under five was 2.75‰, all of which were better than the provincial average. The experience cases, “a small place releasing great energy of health education” of Mianchi County and “using the power of traditional Chinese medicine to protect the health of women and children” of Lingbao City, have been promoted throughout the province.

According to the Healthy Sanmenxia Initiative Implementation Plan, in 2030, the policy system for promoting public health will be more complete, the health literacy level among all residents will be significantly increased, healthy lifestyles will be widely adopted, the main health impact factors for residents will be effectively controlled, the premature mortality rate due to major chronic diseases will be significantly reduced, health equity will be fundamentally achieved, and key health indicators such as average life expectancy will surpass the provincial average in Sanmenxia. 

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